Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2010 begins in a few days and I'm excited to start my own Happiness Project. This is certainly not an original idea, however, I was extremely inspired by Gretchen Rubin and her happiness project that I read about in her book--The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun which I would recommend if you feel like being inspired.Anyways, I'm creating my own Happiness Project and have decided it is necessary to document this year better than I have in the past. I'm using some of the same ideas/goals from hers that I feel are appropriate for me but also ones that are really important to me. I'd say 2009 is a year I don't really want to have again but then I'd be ignoring the good things about 2009 which are a plenty. However, 2009 was not a generally "happy" time for me and that saddens me. I just want to really embrace my life and find myself happier in 2010. I need some structure and I need some focus. This last part of 2009 was a nightmare for me. So, thank you 2009, for all the good times but I need to tuck you in a box somewhere where I can forget you and look ahead. I won't forget you entirely because there were really good times, learning opportunities from the bad times, and I've resolved to change as you have shown me the depths of how unhappy and bitter I am (which in reality is not really me at all.) So, I will be blogging about my journey through 2010 as an unemployed college graduate with high hopes, unbridled passions, and a new outlook for 2010! 3 cheers & encouragement |
about me
Jamie. 24. Unemployed college grad.